Dimensions: 5" x 5" inches
By buying and wearing an orange Every Child Matters t-shirt or product you are joining the alliance and contributing to the on going healing of our nations and our people.
Diamond Phoenix Creations recognizes the intergenerational impacts of Residential Schools within our own community. Many of our elders today were forcibly removed as children from their families and communities and sent to various Residential Schools such as the St. Peter Claver School for Boys in Spanish, Ontario, the Pointe-Bleue Indian Residential School, and the St. Mary's Indian Residential School in Kenora, Ontario.
As a direct result of this we are at significant risk of losing our Algonquin language and culture. Therefore, a portion of the sales will be donated back to programs and initiatives here within the community that promote language and culture. By supporting on-reserve businesses you are also making a commitment to building healthier communities that are able to provide sustainable job opportunities.
The Every Child Matters orange t-shirt campaign originally started with Phyllis Webstad's (nee Jack) story of when she turned six and went to a Residential School for the first time. On her first day at school, she wore a shiny orange shirt that her Granny had bought for her, but when she got to the school, it was taken away from her and never returned.
Today our communities across turtle island mourn the loss of our ancestors at the hands of the Residential Schools. DPC is committed to making a difference within our own community by promoting the use of our language, culture and crafts as a form of healing.
-Design created by Diamond Phoenix Creations - a 100% owned and operated company in the community of Kitigan Zibi. All of the profits from this design go to community based programs that promote language & Culture and healing. 819-306-0665
-Design créé par Diamond Phoenix Creations - une entreprise détenue et exploitée à 100% dans la communauté de Kitigan Zibi. Un % des bénéfices provenant de cette conception va à des programmes communautaires qui font la promotion de la langue et de la culture et de la guérison. 819-306-0665